
How To Upgrade Worker Cat Wallet

Level-up is a feature that allows players to spend XP to meliorate Cat Units and Base Upgrades. Level upgrades tin be done by entering the Upgrade Menu, scrolling to the desired Cat Unit or Base Upgrade and pressing the "Upgrade!" button.


All Cat Units and Base of operations Upgrades start at level one. Each upgrade increases the level past 1. Levelling upwardly a Cat Unit will increase its health and assault power, while levelling up a Base Upgrade will brand it more than constructive (e.g., levelling up the Study upgrade increases amount of XP earned after battle). The XP costs will increase with each upgrade until level 10, at which point they will become multiples of the first 10 levels' costs. This pattern continues all the way up to level 50. Every level-up will too heighten the histrion'southward User Rank by 1 level.

There is a limit to how many times a unit may be upgraded. The level cap is initially 10, only it can be increased all the fashion upwardly to 50 for most units as the player raises their User Rank and progresses through the game.

In addition to standard levels, many units can also upgrade to + levels (also known equally (+) levels). Each + level is equivalent to a standard level but counts toward a separate cap. + levels are attained by "using" duplicate Cat Units or Ability Capsules in True cat Storage; every bit a result, not-gacha cats can never upgrade to + levels.

Levelling upward Cat Units can also unlock new forms: upgrading any True cat Unit of measurement to full level 10 volition unlock its Evolved Class, and upgrading a Normal Cat to full level 30 (i.e., xx+10) volition unlock its Truthful Form. Other cats accept a minimum level and additional requirements that must be met before their True Forms can be unlocked (twenty for cats needing Awakening; xxx for cats needing Catfruit).

Level Caps

Normal Cats

Original Nine
Level Requirement
Level ten None
Level 20 Complete Empire of Cats Chapter ii
Level MAX +nineteen None
Level MAX +25 User Rank one,500
Level MAX +30 User Rank 1,700
Level MAX +35 User Rank 2,900
Level MAX +twoscore User Rank 3,000
Level MAX +45 User Rank 3,500
Level MAX +50 User Rank 3,550
Level MAX +55 User Rank 4,200
Level MAX +60 User Rank 4,250
Level MAX +65 User Rank 5,050
Level MAX +70 User Rank 5,100
Level MAX +75 User Rank 5,750
Level MAX +80 User Rank 5,800
Level MAX +xc User Rank nine,999
Level Requirement
Level ten None
Level 20 Consummate Empire of Cats Chapter ii
Level MAX +9 None
Level MAX +thirty User Rank 10,001
Level MAX +40 User Rank 11,001
Level MAX +fifty User Rank 12,001
Level MAX +lx User Rank 13,001
Level MAX +70 User Rank 14,001
Level MAX +eighty User Rank 15,001

Special Cats

Special Cats
Level Requirement
Level ten None
Level 20 Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 30 User Rank 1,600
Level 40 (non-Legend Cats) Catseyes
Level xl (Legend Cats) Catseyes after completing An Aboriginal Expletive
Level l (non-Legend Cats) Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level 50 (Legend Cats) Catseyes subsequently completing UL 49-1
Level MAX +x (June Bride of the Devil, Monster Hunter and Nebaaru-kun and Nyanpazuru Cats) None
Level MAX +xx (Bikkuriman Cats) None
Level MAX +30 (Summertime Pause Cats, JRA, Heartbeat Catcademy Cats) None
Level MAX +forty (Li'l Cats) None
JRA and Heartbeat Catcademy units may not upgrade past level i.

Rare Cats

Rare Cats
Level Requirement
Level 10 None
Level 20 Consummate Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 25 User Rank 900
Level thirty User Rank i,200
Level 40 Catseyes
Level 50 Catseyes after completing An Aboriginal Curse
Level MAX +9 None
Level MAX +twenty User Rank 1,800
Level MAX +xxx User Rank 1,900
Level MAX +40 User Rank 2,300
Level MAX +fifty User Rank 3,100
Level MAX +60 User Rank 4,050
Level MAX +70 User Rank 4,600
Level MAX +80 User Rank 5,850

Super Rare Cats

Super Rare Cats
Level Requirement
Level 10 None
Level 20 Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 25 (not-Crazed) User Rank i,000
Level 25 (Crazed) User Rank 3,600
Level 30 (not-Crazed) User Rank 1,300
Level 30 (Crazed) User Rank 3,650
Level 40 Catseyes
Level 50 Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level MAX +9 None
Level MAX +xx User Rank 2,000
Level MAX +30 User Rank two,400
Level MAX +40 User Rank 3,200
Level MAX +fifty User Rank 4,100
Level MAX +threescore User Rank 4,650
Level MAX +lxx User Rank v,900
Metal Cat may not upgrade past level 20 or to + levels.

Uber Rare Cats

Uber Rare Cats
Level Requirement
Level 10 None
Level 20 Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 25 User Rank 1,100
Level 30 User Rank i,400
Level forty Catseyes
Level fifty Catseyes after completing An Aboriginal Curse
Level 60 Dark Catseyes after reaching User Rank 20,000
Level MAX +nine None
Level MAX +20 User Rank two,100
Level MAX +xxx User Rank ii,500
Level MAX +40 User Rank 3,300
Level MAX +50 User Rank four,150
Level MAX +sixty User Rank 4,700
Level MAX +70 User Rank 5,950

Legend Rare Cats

Fable Rare Cats
Level Requirement
Level x None
Level 20 Complete Empire of Cats Chapter ii
Level 25 User Rank 1,110
Level xxx User Rank 1,410
Level twoscore Catseyes
Level l Catseyes afterward completing An Ancient Curse
Level MAX +9 None

Base Upgrades

Base Upgrades
Level Requirement
Level 10 None
Level xx Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level MAX +ten None
The Cat Cannon Range may not upgrade past level ten or to + levels.

Calculating Stats

Each Cat has an individual preset value for their base Health and Assail Power called an Initial Stat. This Initial Stat is used to decide the value of the cat's Wellness and Attack Power based on their current level - as shown below.

Each time cats are leveled up, they gain +20% of their initial stats, e.chiliad. a level 1 cat with 100 HP will have 120 HP in level two.

Stats at level n = Initial Stat + (north - 1) * (Initial Stat * 20%)

When the Legendary True cat Shield and/or the Legendary Cat Sword are activated their outcome gives a directly increase to the value of the respective Initial Health and/or Set on Power stat. This effect is independent of the growth charge per unit calculation, which is used to determine a cat's wellness and damage at their current level

A neater expression of the level formula to a higher place, which includes the effect of the Treasure Bonus increment and does the same job is:

  • TB = Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 1.5, 2.0 or 2.five at 100%, 200% or 300% respectively
  • north is the cat unit level, equally listed higher up; use this formula when northward < m
  • The symbols represent the floor function, which substantially removes any decimals from the number between them.

Higher-Level Cats and Level Reduction Points

For game balance the stats formula above that adds i/5th (or xx%) of the Initial Stat to next level is tiered to add together a reduced one/10th (or ten%) of Initial Stat to adjacent level for higher level cats, then reduced fifty-fifty further to add but 1/20th (or 5%) of the Initial Stat per next level for very high level cats at specific points, for sure types, as detailed below.

Gacha Cat is currently the only cat that doesn't follow this rule.

Blazon (thousand) 1st Reduction Signal ( 1/10th Initial) (p) iind Reduction Point ( 1/20th Initial )
Normal Cats Level 60 -
Special Cats Level 60 -
Bahamut Cat


Level 30 -
Rare Cats Level lxx Level 90
Super Rare Cats Level sixty Level eighty
Crazed Cats

(Super Rare)

Level 20 -
Uber Super Rare Cats Level lx Level 80

Here is an updated formula for high-leveled Cats between the 1st reduction bespeak (m) and second reduction point (p):

  • TB = Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 1.5, ii.0 or ii.5 at 100%, 200% or 300% respectively
  • k is the first reduction point, equally listed above; utilize this formula when k < northward < p
  • The symbols represent the floor function, which is explained above.

Hither is the updated formula for very high level and hypermaxed Cats beyond the 2nd reduction signal (p):

  • TB = Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 1.five, 2.0 or ii.5 at 100%, 200% or 300% respectively
  • 1000 is the first reduction point, and p is the second reduction point; use this formula when due north > p.
  • The symbols represent the flooring function, which is explained in a higher place.

Applying the Equations (examples)

To illustrate how to employ the equations we provide you with a few examples, using Metallic Cat, Vaulter Cat and Ramen True cat

Below we provide an agreement of the mechanics of the equation, calculated using Metallic Cat's HP at level 7, 12, thirteen, xviii and 20 with maximum Legendary Cat Shield activated.

Metal Cat 1st Computing the Stats Rounding 2nd Adding the Treasure Bonus Calculated Stat
Level n Initial Stat * ((north + 4)/5) = x circular (ten) circular (10) * TB = y floor (y)
Level seven 1 * ((7 + 4)/five) = 2.2 ii HP 2 * ii.five = 5.0 5 HP
Level 12 1 * ((12 + iv)/v) = three.2 three HP 3 * 2.v = seven.5 7 HP
Level 13 1 * ((13 + 4)/v) = three.4 three HP 3 * ii.5 = 7.5 7 HP
Level 18 1 * ((18 + 4)/5) = 4.4 4 HP iv * 2.5 = x.0 10 HP
Level 20 ane * ((20 + 4)/5) = 4.8 5 HP 5 * ii.5 = 12.5 12 HP

Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5x

Below are examples using the simple equation for Vaulter True cat's HP at level 20, 25 and 40 with maximum Legendary Cat Shield activated.

Hither, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = ii.5, Initial Stat = 450, and (northward+4) = (20+4) = 24.

Hither, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = two.5, Initial Stat = 450, and (n+4) = (25+4) = 29.

Hither, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.v, Initial Stat = 450, and (n+four) = (40+4) = 44.

Below are examples for computing Ramen Cat's HP at level 25, 75 and 95, to showcase how to calculate the stats of a unit of measurement that surpasses 1st and/or 2d reduction point, with maximum Legendary True cat Shield activated.

Here, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5, Initial Stat = 1050, thousand = 70, p = 90, and (n+four) = (25+4) = 29.

Here, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = two.v, Initial Stat = 1050, 1000 = lxx, p = 90, and (n+4) = 74 which is greater than m, therefore (1000+4) = 74 and (n-m) = 5.

Here, Treasure Bonus = 2.5, Initial Stat = 1050, (n-1) = 94 which is higher than p, therefore (m+4) = 74, (p-m) = 20, and (n-p) = five.

Consequence on Base of operations Upgrades

  • True cat Cannon Power - Increases Cat Cannon attack power past 50 and Cat Cannon recharge fourth dimension by 50 frames per level.
  • Cat Cannon Range - Increases Cat Cannon attack range. Information technology starts at 3 Cannon waves (different that regular waves) and increases by 1 per level.
  • True cat Cannon Charge - Decreases True cat Cannon recharge time past 50 frames per level.
  • Worker True cat Charge per unit - Increases the rate of income by 3¢ per second per level.
  • Worker Cat Wallet - Increases the Worker Cat's wallet, increasing upper limit of income. Adds 100 starting wallet per level, +50 per Worker Cat level while in the phase.
  • Base Defense - Increases the health of the Cat Base by 1,000 HP per level.
  • Research - Increases Cat production speed. It has no result at level 1, but from level 2 and after, production speed volition exist increased by 0.2 seconds (at level 20+10, the production speed is increased by 5.8 seconds).
  • Accountant - Increases the money earned when an enemy is defeated. Information technology has no effect at level i, but from level 2 and after, money drib from enemies will exist increased past five% (at level twenty+10, the money drop from enemies is increased past 145%).
  • Study - Increases the corporeality of XP received when clearing a stage. It has no issue at level 1, just from level 2 and afterward, XP will be increased by five% (at level 20+ten, the money XP received when clearing a stage is increased by 145%).
  • Cat Energy - Increases the limit of True cat Energy by 10 per level.

XP Costs

Mutual Upgrade Costs

Rare Cats

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ix
0x 0 viii,000 12,200 17,800 24,800 33,200 43,000 54,200 66,800 80,800 340,800
1x 10,000 16,000 24,400 35,600 49,600 66,400 86,000 108,400 133,600 161,600 691,600
2x 15,000 24,000 36,600 53,400 74,400 99,600 129,000 162,600 200,400 242,400 one,037,400
3x 17,500 28,000 42,700 62,300 86,800 116,200 150,500 189,700 233,800 282,800 one,210,300
4x 20,000 32,000 48,800 71,200 99,200 132,800 172,000 216,800 267,200 323,200 1,383,200
Full XP Cost iv,663,300
Not all cats of this rarity use this XP curve.
Non all cats that use this XP cost are Rares.

Super Rare Cats

0 one 2 3 four 5 6 7 8 nine
0x 0 8,200 12,400 17,800 24,800 42,400 64,500 93,000 148,000 298,000 709,100
1x 12,500 16,400 24,800 35,600 49,600 84,800 129,000 186,000 296,000 596,000 ane,430,700
2x 18,750 24,600 37,200 53,400 74,400 127,200 193,500 279,000 444,000 894,000 ii,146,050
3x 21,875 28,700 43,400 62,300 86,800 148,400 225,750 325,500 518,000 1,043,000 2,503,725
4x 25,000 32,800 49,600 71,200 99,200 169,600 258,000 372,000 592,000 i,192,000 2,861,400
Total XP Cost ix,650,975
Non all cats of this rarity utilize this XP bend.
Non all cats that use this XP cost are Super Rares.

Uber Rare/ Legend Rare Cats

0 1 2 three four 5 6 7 8 9
0x 0 9,800 14,800 21,800 42,500 64,300 93,200 118,000 197,400 513,500 1,075,300
1x 15,600 19,600 29,600 43,600 85,000 128,600 186,400 236,000 394,800 i,027,000 two,166,200
2x 23,400 29,400 44,400 65,400 127,500 192,900 279,600 354,000 592,200 1,540,500 3,249,300
3x 27,300 34,300 51,800 76,300 148,750 225,050 326,200 413,000 690,900 ane,797,250 3,790,850
4x 31,200 39,200 59,200 87,200 170,000 257,200 372,800 472,000 789,600 two,054,000 4,332,400
5x 35,100 44,100 66,600 98,100 191,250 289,350 419,400 531,000 888,300 2,310,750 4,873,950
Total XP Cost 19,488,000
Non all cats of this rarity apply this XP curve.

Legend Cats

0 1 2 iii iv 5 6 vii 8 9
0x 0 9,800 xiv,800 21,800 42,500 64,300 93,200 118,000 197,400 513,500 1,075,300
1x 15,600 19,600 29,600 43,600 85,000 128,600 186,400 236,000 394,800 i,027,000 two,166,200
2x 23,400 29,400 44,400 65,400 127,500 192,900 279,600 354,000 592,200 i,540,500 three,249,300
3x 27,300 34,300 51,800 76,300 148,750 225,050 326,200 413,000 690,900 ane,797,250 3,790,850
4x 31,200 39,200 59,200 87,200 170,000 257,200 372,800 472,000 789,600 2,054,000 4,332,400
Full XP Toll 14,614,050
Valkyrie True cat and Bahamut Cat don't follow this XP curve.

Common Cost #i

0 1 two iii 4 5 vi 7 8 9
0x 0 2,000 iii,200 iv,800 6,800 9,200 12,000 fifteen,200 18,800 22,800 94,800
1x 3,000 4,000 half-dozen,400 9,600 13,600 18,400 24,000 xxx,400 37,600 45,600 192,600
2x 4,500 6,000 9,600 xiv,400 20,400 27,600 36,000 45,600 56,400 68,400 288,900
3x 5,250 7,000 xi,200 xvi,800 23,800 32,200 42,000 53,200 65,800 79,800 337,050
4x 6,000 8,000 12,800 xix,200 27,200 36,800 48,000 60,800 75,200 91,200 385,200
Total XP Price 1,298,550

Common Toll #2

0 1 2 three 4 v six 7 8 ix
0x 0 3,500 6,200 9,800 14,300 xix,700 26,000 33,200 41,300 50,300 204,300
1x four,000 vii,000 12,400 nineteen,600 28,600 39,400 52,000 66,400 82,600 100,600 412,600
2x 6,000 10,500 xviii,600 29,400 42,900 59,100 78,000 99,600 123,900 150,900 618,900
3x 7,000 12,250 21,700 34,300 50,050 68,950 91,000 116,200 144,550 176,050 722,050
4x 8,000 fourteen,000 24,800 39,200 57,200 78,800 104,000 132,800 165,200 201,200 825,200
Total XP Cost 2,783,050

Mutual Cost #3

0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0x 0 ii,500 four,000 six,000 eight,500 11,500 15,000 19,000 23,500 28,500 118,500
1x 2,600 5,000 eight,000 12,000 17,000 23,000 30,000 38,000 47,000 57,000 239,600
2x 3,900 7,500 12,000 18,000 25,500 34,500 45,000 57,000 70,500 85,500 359,400
3x iv,550 8,750 14,000 21,000 29,750 forty,250 52,500 66,500 82,250 99,750 419,300
4x 5,200 10,000 16,000 24,000 34,000 46,000 60,000 76,000 94,000 114,000 479,200
Full XP Cost 1,616,000

Common Cost #4

0 i 2 iii 4 5 6 7 8 9
0x 0 5,600 8,540 12,460 17,360 23,240 30,100 37,940 46,760 56,560 238,560
1x vii,000 11,200 17,080 24,920 34,720 46,480 60,200 75,880 93,520 113,120 484,120
2x 10,500 xvi,800 25,620 37,380 52,080 69,720 ninety,300 113,820 140,280 169,680 726,180
3x 12,250 xix,600 29,890 43,610 lx,760 81,340 105,350 132,790 163,660 197,960 847,210
4x xiv,000 22,400 34,160 49,840 69,440 92,960 120,400 151,760 187,040 226,240 968,240
Full XP Price three,264,310

Common Cost #five

0 1 2 iii 4 5 six 7 8 nine
0x 0 v,740 eight,680 12,460 17,360 29,680 45,150 65,100 103,600 208,600 496,370
1x 8,750 11,480 17,360 24,920 34,720 59,360 90,300 130,200 207,200 417,200 ane,001,490
2x 13,125 17,220 26,040 37,380 52,080 89,040 135,450 195,300 310,800 625,800 1,502,235
3x fifteen,312 20,090 30,380 43,610 threescore,760 103,880 158,025 227,850 362,600 730,100 one,752,607
4x 17,500 22,960 34,720 49,840 69,440 118,720 180,600 260,400 414,400 834,400 2,002,980
Total XP Cost 6,755,682

Uncommon XP Costs

Uncommon #ane

0 1 2 3 4 v 6 7 8 9
0x 0 100 three,100 7,100 12,100 18,100 25,100 33,100 42,100 52,100 192,900
1x 100 200 6,200 14,200 24,200 36,200 50,200 66,200 84,200 104,200 385,900
2x 150 300 nine,300 21,300 36,300 54,300 75,300 99,300 126,300 156,300 578,850
3x 175 350 x,850 24,850 42,350 63,350 87,850 115,850 147,350 182,350 675,325
4x 200 400 12,400 28,400 48,400 72,400 100,400 132,400 168,400 208,400 771,800
Total XP Price 2,604,775
This is used by Moneko, Yamaoka Minori, Nakamura Kanae, and Gacha Cat.

Uncommon #ii

0 i 2 iii 4 5 vi vii 8 nine
0x 0 13,000 17,000 21,000 24,000 27,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 50,000 257,000
1x 18,000 26,000 34,000 42,000 48,000 54,000 lx,000 70,000 80,000 100,000 532,000
2x 27,000 39,000 51,000 63,000 72,000 81,000 90,000 105,000 120,000 150,000 798,000
3x 31,500 45,500 59,500 73,500 84,000 94,500 105,000 122,500 140,000 175,000 931,000
4x 36,000 52,000 68,000 84,000 96,000 108,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 200,000 1,064,000
Total XP Toll 3,582,000
This is used by Kerihime and True cat Princess.

Uncommon #3

0 1 2 3 iv 5 6 vii viii 9
0x 0 eight,000 12,200 17,800 24,800 33,200 43,000 54,200 66,800 110,800 370,800
1x ten,000 16,000 24,400 35,600 49,600 66,400 86,000 108,400 133,600 221,600 751,600
2x fifteen,000 24,000 36,600 53,400 74,400 99,600 129,000 162,600 200,400 332,400 1,127,400
3x 17,500 28,000 42,700 62,300 86,800 116,200 150,500 189,700 233,800 387,800 1,315,300
4x xx,000 32,000 48,800 71,200 99,200 132,800 172,000 216,800 267,200 443,200 1,503,200
Total XP Cost five,068,300
This is used by Salaryman True cat and Reindeer Fish Cat.

Uncommon #4

0 1 two 3 4 five 6 7 eight 9
0x 0 2,100 two,600 3,200 iv,200 vi,000 8,100 10,500 xiii,200 xix,200 69,100
1x 3,000 4,200 5,200 half-dozen,400 viii,400 12,000 sixteen,200 21,000 26,400 38,400 141,200
2x 4,500 6,300 7,800 9,600 12,600 18,000 24,300 31,500 39,600 57,600 211,800
3x five,250 7,350 9,100 eleven,200 14,700 21,000 28,350 36,750 46,200 67,200 247,100
4x vi,000 8,400 10,400 12,800 16,800 24,000 32,400 42,000 52,800 76,800 282,400
Total XP Cost 951,600
This is used by Droid Cat and Developed Cat.

Uncommon #5

0 one 2 3 iv 5 6 7 viii nine
0x 0 ii,100 2,600 three,200 4,200 half-dozen,000 9,100 13,500 xviii,200 25,200 84,100
1x 3,000 4,200 5,200 6,400 8,400 12,000 18,200 27,000 36,400 50,400 171,200
2x iv,500 half-dozen,300 7,800 9,600 12,600 18,000 27,300 40,500 54,600 75,600 256,800
3x 5,250 7,350 9,100 xi,200 fourteen,700 21,000 31,850 47,250 63,700 88,200 299,600
4x 6,000 8,400 10,400 12,800 16,800 24,000 36,400 54,000 72,800 100,800 342,400
Full XP Cost 1,154,100
This is used by Evil Cat, Doll Cats, and Yankee Cat.

Uncommon #6

0 1 ii 3 4 five 6 7 eight 9
0x 0 900 1,800 3,000 4,500 6,300 8,400 10,800 13,500 16,500 65,700
1x ane,200 1,800 3,600 six,000 9,000 12,600 xvi,800 21,600 27,000 33,000 132,600
2x 1,800 ii,700 5,400 9,000 13,500 18,900 25,200 32,400 twoscore,500 49,500 198,900
3x 2,100 three,150 6,300 10,500 15,750 22,050 29,400 37,800 47,250 57,750 232,050
4x 2,400 3,600 7,200 12,000 18,000 25,200 33,600 43,200 54,000 66,000 265,200
Total XP Toll 894,450
This is used by Axe True cat and Red Marron.

Uncommon #seven

0 one 2 three 4 5 6 7 eight nine
0x 0 400 700 ane,100 1,600 2,200 2,900 3,700 4,600 v,600 22,800
1x 400 800 1,400 ii,200 3,200 iv,400 5,800 7,400 nine,200 11,200 46,000
2x 600 ane,200 ii,100 3,300 4,800 vi,600 8,700 11,100 13,800 xvi,800 69,000
3x 700 i,400 2,450 3,850 5,600 7,700 10,150 12,950 16,100 19,600 80,500
4x 800 1,600 two,800 4,400 half-dozen,400 8,800 11,600 14,800 18,400 22,400 92,000
Total XP Cost 310,300
This is used by Cat, Gold True cat, and Killer Cat.

Uncommon #8

0 1 ii iii 4 5 6 vii viii ix
0x 0 1,300 ii,200 iii,400 iv,900 6,700 8,800 eleven,200 13,900 16,900 69,300
1x 1,400 two,600 4,400 6,800 9,800 xiii,400 17,600 22,400 27,800 33,800 140,000
2x 2,100 iii,900 half dozen,600 10,200 14,700 20,100 26,400 33,600 41,700 50,700 210,000
3x 2,450 iv,550 7,700 eleven,900 17,150 23,450 30,800 39,200 48,650 59,150 245,000
4x 2,800 5,200 eight,800 13,600 19,600 26,800 35,200 44,800 55,600 67,600 280,000
Total XP Cost 944,300
This is used by Gross Cat, Nekondo, Baozi Cat, and Catburger.

Uncommon #ix

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 viii ix
0x 0 half dozen,860 10,360 15,260 29,750 45,010 65,240 82,600 138,180 359,450 752,710
1x ten,920 13,720 20,720 thirty,520 59,500 90,020 130,480 165,200 276,360 718,900 1,516,340
2x 16,380 20,580 31,080 45,780 89,250 135,030 195,720 247,800 414,540 1,078,350 2,274,510
3x xix,110 24,010 36,260 53,410 104,125 157,535 228,340 289,100 483,630 1,258,075 2,653,595
4x 21,840 27,440 41,440 61,040 119,000 180,040 260,960 330,400 552,720 1,437,800 3,032,680
Total XP Cost 10,229,835
This is used by Rathalos and Rathian.


  • The True cat God and Cheetah True cat are the only characters in the Upgrade Card that can't be leveled up through any ways.
  • Normal Cats are the only cats that evolve into their True Grade automatically by leveling up.


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